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SSO (single sign on) : what's that?

SSO here, SSO there... you often hear this term but the definition is still a bit confusing? This article is made for you!



SSO stands for "Single Sign On", i.e., single sign-on. For example, when you choose to connect via Google or Facebook to other sites or applications that require authentication, this is SSO. You only need to be logged in on one, so you can quickly access the other sites and applications.

SSO definition

What's the point in learning ?


Having to choose a different password for each site and application, trying tirelessly to log in, ending up clicking on the famous "Forgot your password?" button, then waiting to receive an email before changing your password... and forgetting it again some time later. Does this scenario sound familiar? Well that's precisely what SSO allows you to avoid.

No more wasting time during the dozens of authentications you need: a single password is enough to give you quick access, and ultimately facilitate the management of your data.

In short, SSO is a real time saver (no more need to enter your credentials several times, no more risk of losing your passwords...) and its use is all the more simplified.

On the other hand, since all your accounts will be linked to one and the same password, the risk of loss and theft of all user data can be important in case of a cyber attack for example. It is important to understand that SSO is not a security system in itself but a time-saving technology, and is therefore not exempt from threatening the protection of user data.

In e-learning, where learners are using LMS and are also often registered on a Information System  or a Human Resources Information System (HRIS), SSO enables easy sign-on for them and prevents the loss of date for administrators. It also allows the latter to have almost instantly updated info in both systems.


The different architectures of SSO


The server: all user information is stored on a single server. The costs involved in integration can be significant.

The appliance: in this case, hardware and software are provided together, but be careful: it will be impossible to install the software on an already existing server.

The directory: user data is stored in the company's existing directory (such as Microsoft Active Directory).

You now know the basics about SSO!


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Was bedeutet SSO?